Leaf Key

So far you have made the following choices..

It could be one of the species in the table below. Let's narrow our choices by looking at the overall leaf shape.

My leaf is obovate - broadest above the middle
My leaf is oval to elliptical - broadest at or below the middle

Possible Matches:

Family Genus Species common name
Aquifoliaceae Ilex cassine dahoon
Aquifoliaceae Ilex coriacea large gallberry
Aquifoliaceae Ilex crenata Japanese holly
Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua deciduous holly
Aquifoliaceae Ilex glabra inkberry
Aquifoliaceae Ilex verticillata winterberry holly
Aquifoliaceae Ilex vomitoria yaupon
Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa European black alder
Betulaceae Alnus rhombifolia white alder
Betulaceae Alnus rubra red alder
Betulaceae Alnus rugosa speckled alder
Betulaceae Alnus serrulata hazel alder
Betulaceae Alnus sinuata Sitka alder
Betulaceae Betula alleghaniensis yellow birch
Betulaceae Betula lenta sweet birch
Betulaceae Betula nigra river birch
Betulaceae Betula papyrifera paper birch
Betulaceae Betula pendula European weeping birch
Betulaceae Betula populifolia gray birch
Betulaceae Betula uber roundleaf birch
Betulaceae Carpinus caroliniana hornbeam
Betulaceae Corylus americana American hazel
Betulaceae Corylus cornuta beaked hazel
Betulaceae Ostrya virginiana hophornbeam
Celastraceae Celastrus spp. bittersweet
Clethraceae Clethra alnifolia summersweet clethra
Ericaceae Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone
Ericaceae Gaultheria procumbens teaberry
Ericaceae Gaultheria shallon salal
Ericaceae Leucothoe axillaris coast leucothoe
Ericaceae Leucothoe racemosa swamp sweetbells
Ericaceae Oxydendrum arboreum sourwood
Ericaceae Pieris japonica Japanese pieris
Ericaceae Vaccinium arboreum sparkleberry
Ericaceae Vaccinium membranaceum big huckleberry
Ericaceae Vaccinium ovatum evergreen huckleberry
Fagaceae Castanea dentata American chestnut
Fagaceae Castanea mollissima Chinese chestnut
Fagaceae Castanea pumila Alleghany chinkapin
Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia American beech
Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica European beech
Fagaceae Lithocarpus densiflorus tanoak
Fagaceae Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak
Fagaceae Quercus bicolor swamp white oak
Fagaceae Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak
Fagaceae Quercus muehlenbergii chinkapin oak
Grossulariaceae Itea virginica sweetspire
Malvaceae Hibiscus syriacus rose-of-sharon
Moraceae Morus rubra red mulberry
Myricaceae Myrica californica Pacific waxmyrtle
Myricaceae Myrica cerifera waxmyrtle
Myricaceae Myrica gale sweetgale
Pyrolaceae Chimaphila maculata striped pipsissewa
Rhamnaceae Berchemia scandens supplejack
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus integerrimus deerbrush
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus sanguineus redstem ceanothus
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus thyrsiflorus blueblossom
Rhamnaceae Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush
Rhamnaceae Rhamnus purshiana Cascara buckthorn
Rosaceae Amelanchier alnifolia Pacific serviceberry
Rosaceae Amelanchier arborea serviceberry
Rosaceae Aronia arbutifolia chokeberry
Rosaceae Cercocarpus betuloides birchleaf mountain-mahogany
Rosaceae Chaenomeles speciosa common floweringquince
Rosaceae Crataegus spp. hawthorn
Rosaceae Holodiscus discolor ocean spray
Rosaceae Malus spp. apple
Rosaceae Photinia x fraseri red tips
Rosaceae Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum
Rosaceae Prunus avium sweet cherry
Rosaceae Prunus caroliniana Carolina laurelcherry
Rosaceae Prunus cerasifera purple leaf plum
Rosaceae Prunus emarginata bitter cherry
Rosaceae Prunus pennsylvanica fire cherry
Rosaceae Prunus persica peach
Rosaceae Prunus serotina black cherry
Rosaceae Prunus serrulata Kwanzan cherry
Rosaceae Prunus subcordata Klamath plum
Rosaceae Prunus subhirtella Higan cherry
Rosaceae Prunus virginiana choke cherry
Rosaceae Prunus x yedoensis Yoshino cherry
Rosaceae Pyracantha coccinea scarlet firethorn
Rosaceae Pyrus communis common pear
Rosaceae Pyrus calleryana callery pear
Rosaceae Spiraea alba narrowleaf spirea
Rosaceae Spiraea latifolia broadleaf spirea
Salicaceae Populus alba European white poplar
Salicaceae Populus grandidentata bigtooth aspen
Salicaceae Populus balsamifera balsam poplar
Salicaceae Populus deltoides cottonwood
Salicaceae Populus heterophylla swamp cottonwood
Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen
Salicaceae Populus trichocarpa black cottonwood
Salicaceae Salix babylonica weeping willow
Salicaceae Salix discolor pussy willow
Salicaceae Salix nigra black willow
Styracaceae Halesia carolina silverbell
Styracaceae Styrax japonicus Japanese snowbell
Theaceae Franklinia alatamaha Franklin tree
Theaceae Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay
Theaceae Stewartia spp. stewartia
Tiliaceae Tilia americana American basswood
Tiliaceae Tilia cordata littleleaf linden
Tiliaceae Tilia tomentosa silver linden
Ulmaceae Celtis laevigata sugarberry
Ulmaceae Celtis occidentalis hackberry
Ulmaceae Planera aquatica water elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus alata winged elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus americana American elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus pumila Siberian elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus rubra slippery elm
Ulmaceae Ulmus thomasii rock elm
Ulmaceae Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova
Vitaceae Vitis spp. grape

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