Leaf Key

So far you have made the following choices..

It could be one of the species in the table below.

Possible Matches:

Family Genus Species common name
Anacardiaceae Rhus copallina shining sumac
Burseraceae Bursera simarouba gumbo-limbo
Caesalpiniaceae Gleditsia aquatica waterlocust
Caesalpiniaceae Gleditsia triacanthos honeylocust
Fabaceae Cladrastis kentukea yellowwood
Fabaceae Robinia hispida bristly locust
Fabaceae Robinia neomexicana New Mexican locust
Fabaceae Robinia pseudoacacia black locust
Fabaceae Sophora japonica Japanese pagoda tree
Fabaceae Wisteria floribunda Japanese wisteria
Meliaceae Swietenia mahogani West Indies mahogany
Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima tree-of-Heaven
Taxodiaceae Taxodium ascendens pondcypress
Taxodiaceae Taxodium distichum baldcypress

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