pyramid magnolia Magnoliaceae Magnolia
pyramidata W. Bartram
symbol: MAPY
Leaf: Alternate, simple, rhombic-spatulate shaped (overall kite-like), quite large, 8 to 10 inches long by 4 inches wide, with "ear-lobes" at the base, margin entire, typically widest above the middle, green and shiny above, dull, paler and smooth below, often crowded near the ends of twigs.
Flower: Species is monoecious; very large and showy, with several creamy white petals (3 to 5 inches long), unpleasant odor, appearing with the leaves.
Fruit: Cone-like aggregate of follicles, to 3 inches long, bright red when mature, later turning dark brown, individual seeds bright red, mature in fall.
Twig: Stout, purplish brown, with a large leaf scar; terminal bud is large (1 inch), smooth and purplish brown.
Bark: Thin, grayish brown to brown, splotchy, later developing scaly plates.
Form: Small tree (generally to 30 feet), straight trunk, often in clumps.
Looks like: Fraser magnolia
- bigleaf magnolia
- Ashe magnolia
- cucumbertree