San Diego bursage Asteraceae Ambrosia
chenopodiifolia (Benth.) Payne
symbol: AMCH5
Leaf: Alternate, simple, evergreen, ovate, 1 to 1 1/2 inches, coarse serrate or toothed, nearly lobed, green above and covered in white pubescence, pale below, drought deciduous.
Flower: Dull yellow-green, in small clusters borne on a spike, March to June.
Fruit: A spiny round bur with slender hooked spines, 1/2 inch in diameter.
Twig: Green to reddish brown with white pubescence, brittle, narrow leaf scars, resinous or sticky.
Bark: Reddish brown and becoming smooth and shiny, later becoming somewhat scaly or shallowly ridged and furrowed.
Form: A gangling, sprawling shrub to 2 feet tall.
Looks like: triangleleaf bursage
- canyon ragweed
- white bursage