greenbark ceanothus Rhamnaceae Ceanothus
spinosus Nutt.
symbol: CESP
Leaf: Alternate, simple, evergreen, oval, 1 to 3 inches long, thick, entire margins, shiny green and glabrous above and paler below; leaves may be toothed on vigorous shoots.
Flower: Perfect and complete small white to pale lilac flowers borne in long terminal or axillary clusters; appearing February to May.
Fruit: Small, round to triangular, sticky capsule up to 3/16 inch in diameter' each lobe is ridged.
Twig: Slender, smooth, angled, and stiff, often terminating in thorns; bright green to tannish green.
Bark: Initially bright green, becoming gray and rough.
Form: An erect, loosely branched shrub or small tree to 20 feet tall.
Looks like: whitethorn ceanothus
- snowbrush
- redstem ceanothus
- deerbrush