rockrose Cistaceae Cistus
spp. L.
symbol: CISTU
Leaf: Opposite, simple, evergreen, oval to lanceolate, to 4 inches long and 3/4 inch wide, wavy edges, green above and pale pubescent below, sticky on both surfaces, usually aromatic.
Flower: Showy, resembling a rose flower, ranging in color from lavender to white - often with dark spots near the base of the petals, up to 3 inches across, 5 petals that are usually crinkly, the flower centers a mass of yellow anthers, flowering for most of the summer.
Fruit: A capsule, drying to brown at maturity.
Twig: Initially green-brown and pubescent, becoming smooth and red-brown, with narrow leaf scars.
Bark: Gray or gray-brown and smooth.
Form: Shrubs, 3 to 5 feet tall and of greater width.
Looks like: white sage
- fragrant sage
- purple sage
- black sage