sotol Liliaceae Dasylirion
leiophyllum Engelm. ex Trel.
symbol: DALE2
Leaf: Evergreen, flexible and strap-like, up to 3 1/2 feet long and 1 to 3 inches wide, glossy green on both surfaces, the leaf margins armed with red-brown prickles, tips not pointed but frayed.
Flower: Greenish white, clustered at the tip of a 5-16 foot tall upright woody inflorescence, appearing mid-summer.
Fruit: Small oval 3-parted capsules, drying to gray-brown, 1/4 inch.
Form: Dense, mounded clumps of leaves that reach 4 feet in height on a short trunk, with upright inflorescences to 16 feet.
Looks like: soaptree yucca
- Torrey's yucca