evergreen currant Grossulariaceae Ribes
viburnifolium A. Gray
symbol: RIVI
Leaf: Alternate, simple, evergreen and leathery, no lobes, may be entire irregularly toothed; dark green above, leaf underside has glands that exude sap with citrus or wine-scented sap that is very fragrant after rain or when bruised.
Flower: Perfect, small, red, tubular flowers borne in long, sparse racemes; blooming late winter to early spring.
Fruit: Orange-red to red, round, 1/4 inch berries in a loose cluster, ripen in late spring.
Twig: Red with sparse glandular hairs.
Bark: Red or red-brown to gray-brown.
Form: An arching shrub to 4 feet, spreading by rooting at the branch tips.