flat-top buckwheat Polygonaceae Eriogonum
fasciculatum Benth.
symbol: ERFA2
Leaf: Alternate, but densely clustered at nodes, evergreen, narrow lanceolate (nearly needles like), 1/2 inch long, strongly rolled edges, dark green above, paler finely fuzzy white beneath.
Flower: Dense, terminal, rounded clusters of small white (pinkish) flowers on a long stem, each cluster several inches across, appearing throughout growing season.
Fruit: Brown achene, not showy.
Twig: Slender reddish brown, finely peeling, numerous short shoots packed with leaves.
Bark: Light gray, splitting and becoming finely shreddy.
Form: Small, open, multi-stemmed shrub up to 3 feet tall.
Looks like: coastal buckwheat