Schott indigobush Fabaceae Psorothamnus
schottii (Torr.) Barneby
symbol: PSSC5
Leaf: Nearly appears leafless because leaves are small and often sparse, alternate, deciduous, linear, 1/2 to 1 inch long, 1/16 inch wide, entire edges, upper surface light blue-gray, finely glandular, lower surface green.
Flower: Attractive, pea-like, deep purple-blue, 1/3 inch long, occur along the twig in open 4 inch long clusters, appearing in late spring and early summer.
Fruit: Small, odd-looking one-seeded legume, 3/8 inch, egg-shaped, pointed end, covered in dark red glands.
Twig: Slender yellow-green, later turning light brown; heavily-branched with many spine tipped twigs.
Bark: Light gray-brown and smooth when young, developing darker narrow rough ridges.
Form: Large shrub with many spiny branches and crooked limbs, up to 10 feet tall.
Looks like: desert smoke tree
- Fremont's dalea