mountain-mahogany Rosaceae Cercocarpus
montanus Raf.
symbol: CEMO2
Leaf: Alternate, simple, and persistent, but commonly clustered at the end of spur shoots; small (1/2 to 2 inches long), obovate, and conspicuously penniveined. Dark green or yellow-green above and paler below, generally smooth, margins serrated about the midpoint and entire below.
Flower: Perfect, small, inconspicuous, trumpet-shaped, white to yellow.
Fruit: Small, slender achene with a long, feathery tail (up to 3 inches).
Twig: Slender, reddish brown and smooth, turning gray with age; many slender spur shoots.
Bark: Grayish brown and generally smooth.
Form: An erect evergreen shrub up to 15 feet tall or a small tree reaching 40 feet.
Looks like: curlleaf mountain-mahogany
- littleleaf mountain-mahogany