West Indies mahogany Meliaceae Swietenia
mahagoni (L.) Jacq.
symbol: SWMA2
Leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound, 6 to 12 ovate leaflets, entire margins, evergreen, leathery, 5 to 7 inches long, dark green above, paler below.
Flower: Small pale green, in branched cluster.
Fruit: Light brown, egg-shaped capsule, 2 to 4 inches long, splits from the base into 5 parts, each capsule contains numerous small, long winged seeds.
Twig: Stout, reddish brown to gray; buds are large and broad with loose reddish scales.
Bark: At first smooth and gray, later becoming darker gray, rough and scaly, shedding in places to reveal lighter reddish patches.
Form: Large tree with a spreading round crown and a short trunk, up to 50 feet tall.