hedge maple Aceraceae Acer
campestre L.
symbol: ACCA5
Leaf: Opposite, simple, 3 to 5 palmately rounded lobes, entire margin, 2 to 4 inches long; dark green above, paler and downy below, milky sap exudes from petiole when detached.
Flower: Yellow-green, small, occurring in upright clusters, appear with the leaves in early spring.
Fruit: Double samaras with wings at 180 degrees, each 1 to 1 1/2 inch long, initially green or reddish but turning light brown.
Twig: Slender, light brown, opposite buds are small and grayish brown, twigs will often develop corky fissures.
Bark: Gray-brown, corky fissures and ridges, later becoming shallowly ridged and furrowed.
Form: A small tree that reaches up to 35 feet tall, round, dense crown, low branching.
Looks like: trident maple