mango Anacardiaceae Mangifera
indica L.
symbol: MAIN3
Leaf: ternate, simple, evergreen, lanceolate, shiny dark green with a yellow mid-vein, to over a foot long, drooping appearance; margins entire; emergent leaves are red to orange.
Flower: Species is dioecious, showy white to pink with 5 petals, borne on large pink terminal panicles over a foot long; appearing winter to early spring.
Fruit: A large edible fleshy drupe with thin green/red/yellow skin and orange/yellow flesh; contains a large pit that does not easily separate from the flesh.
Twig: Stout, green-brown; buds scaly green.
Bark: Initially smooth gray-brown, becoming irregularly ridged and furrowed.
Form: A small tree to 50 feet tall with a dense rounded crown.