Baja organ pipe cactus Cactaceae Stenocereus
stellatus (Pfeiff.) Riccob.
Leaf: Reduced to a dark spine that fades to gray, 1-3 central spine(s) up to 2 inches and 7-9 lateral spines to 1/2 inch, displayed in vertical rows along the bark ridges, areole clusters less than 1 inch apart.
Flower: Attractive, white to pink, 1 1/2 inches across, blooming at night during early summer, persisting for less than 24 hours, appearing at the branch tips.
Fruit: A nearly round red berry, spiny, 1 inch, ripening in the fall.
Bark: A blue-green, leathery thick skin with 8-12 prominent vertical ridges.
Form: Clustered, unbranched column-like branches sweeping upward from a central point, to 15 feet tall, clumps to 15 feet wide, individual stems approximately 4 inches in diameter.