cluster rose Rosaceae Rosa pisocarpa

Leaf:Alternate, pinnately compound, deciduous, 6 inches overall; 5 to 9 ovate to elliptical leaflets, each 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long, serrate, green and above and below with minute hairs, obvious stipules at base of petiole.
Flower:Deep pink, 5-petalled, usually in flat-topped clusters of 2-10.
Fruit:Shiny orange-red, fleshy "hip" containing achenes, to 1/2 inch long.
Twig:Moderate, purple with white bloom, bearing sparse straight prickles; buds red, rounded.
Bark:Light brown.
Form:Finely branched, thicket-forming deciduous shrub 2 to 7 feet tall.

leaf fruit twig bark form map
