Amur corktree Rutaceae Phellodendron amurense

Leaf:Opposite, pinnately compound, 7 to 11 ovate to elliptical leaflets, entire leaf 11 to 14 inches, shiny dark green above, much paler below.
Flower:Upright 2 to 3 inch long clusters of small maroon to yellow-green flowers, appearing in late spring to early summer.
Fruit:Black 3/8 inch diameter drupe in clusters, ripen in early fall and persist through the winter.
Twig:Stout, lustrous brown, numerous lighter lenticels; large raised U-shaped leaf scars encircles a fuzzy brown broadly conical bud; inner bark of twigs bright yellow.
Bark:Dark gray, ridged and furrowed, becomes quite thick with corky ridges.
Form:A medium sized tree (50 feet), with a spreading often flat-topped crown.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
