Landowner Fact Sheets

cherrybark oak Quercus pagoda

Cherrybark oak is a highly desirable timber species common to moist bottomlands in the U.S. southeast. Cherrybark oak often grows large and straight, and provides hard, strong wood. It also produces acorns for wildlife and makes a fine shade tree.

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Cherrybark oak is intolerant of shade and requires clearcut, seed-tree, or group selection methods for regeneration. Competition should be removed early in the rotation.

A southern bottomland tree which develops best on well-drained terraces, first bottom ridges and colluvial sites along streams and rivers.


Large tree, with good, straight form, often well over 100 feet tall and over 3 feet in diameter.

Timber Value
Cherrybark oak is used for for interior finish carpentry, furniture, and flooring.

Wildlife Value
Cherrybark acorns make up at least 10% of the diet of many species of mammals and birds.
Attracts squirrels, raccoons, deer, turkeys, bluejays, woodpeckers, wood ducks, nuthatches

Insects and Diseases

Fun Facts
Often considered Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia, a variant of southern red oak. Its heavy strong wood and good form make it a highly sought-after timber tree.

Latin Meaning
Quercus: Latin name / pagoda: leaf shaped like a pagoda

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Landowner Factsheets © 2004 Virginia Tech Forestry Department, all rights reserved. Text, images, and programming by: Dr. Jeff Kirwan, Dr. John R. Seiler, John A. Peterson, Edward C. Jensen, Guy Phillips, or Andrew S. Meeks.