Labrador tea Ericaceae Ledum groenlandicum

Leaf:Alternate (often clustered appearing whorled), simple, evergreen, lanceolate to narrowly oblong, 1/2 to 2 inches long, entire, distinctly rolled edges, dark green above, densely woolly below which is at first white but matures to a rusty brown color, fragrant when crushed.
Flower:Five petals, white, 1/3 inch across, in small terminal clusters, appearing in late spring.
Fruit:Small, elongated, pointed, 5-parted, dry capsule, 1/3 inch long, at first green but maturing to brown by the end of summer, cluster typically drooping.
Twig:Moderate, reddish brown and densely wooly, buds scaly.
Bark:Smooth, gray to reddish brown.
Form:A spreading, somewhat open shrub to 3 feet.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
