ashy silktassel Garryaceae Garrya flavescens

Leaf:Opposite, simple, evergreen and leathery, ovate, to 4 inches, entire margins, ashy gray-green and silky pubescent above and (more so) below.
Flower:Species is dioecious; produced in silky drooping spikes (tassels), 4 inches long, lacking petals, gray-green, appearing late winter to early spring.
Fruit:Several round berries borne in pairs on 1 1/2 to 3 inch-long tassels, individual berries to 1/2 inch, purplish and silky-hairy, somewhat persistent.
Twig:Moderate to stout, brown but gray with pubescent, may be 4-angled.
Bark:Ashy gray with brown stripes and smooth, becoming gray-brown and rough.
Form:A shrub to 12 feet.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
