New Mexico evergreen sumac Anacardiaceae Rhus virens

Leaf:Alternate, tardily deciduous (the leaves turn red in late winter and fall off as new leaves emerge), pinnately compound, 5 to 9 elliptical leaflets per leaf, each generally 1 inch long, entire leaf 3 to 4 inches long, leathery, shiny green above and paler below.
Flower:Species is dioecious; pale, yellow-white and small; borne in loose 2 to 4 inch long terminal or axillary clusters, appearing in late summer.
Fruit:An egg-shaped, flattened drupe borne on panicles, orange-red to red, 1/4 inch across, covered with short, sticky, red hairs, matures late fall, but present through winter.
Twig:Moderately stout, red and green with a gray fine fuzz (later turning gray and smooth); buds small hairy nearly hidden by petiole.
Bark:Initially light gray and smooth; larger specimens become quite bit scaly, with a reddish brown evident under the scaly patches.
Form:Large, wide spreading shrub up to 10 feet tall with a rounded crown.

leaf flower fruit twig bark form map
