prickly gooseberry Grossulariaceae Ribes cynosbati

Leaf:Alternate, simple, deciduous, shallowly palmately lobed (3 to 5 lobes) to notched, orbicular, 2 to 3 inches long, large rounded teeth; base cordate; dark green and hairy-glandular above, paler and somewhat pubescent below.
Flower:Perfect; 1/3 inch, pale yellow or white, tubular flowers with 5 petals, borne in mid-spring, in sparse hanging clusters; the base of the flower hairy.
Fruit:Purple-red, round, 1/3 inch berries covered in prickles, ripen in mid-summer.
Twig:Moderately stout, red-gray, covered in short hairs and prickles on the new growth or smooth; 1 to 3 long spines at the nodes.
Bark:Silvery gray, reddish tint and finely peeling; spines persisting.
Form:Small to medium shrub up to 5 feet tall.

leaf fruit form map
