squashberry Caprifoliaceae Viburnum edule

Leaf:Opposite, simple, orbicular, 3-lobed (terminal leaves may be unlobed), 2 to 4 inches long, coarsely dentate; long straight hairs present along the veins on the lower surface; petiole has raised glands near the base of the leaf.
Flower:Species is monoecious; white, flat top cluster 1 inch across; individual flowers 1/4 inch across; appearing in late spring and early summer.
Fruit:Drupes, nearly round, to 1/2 inch across, bright red, juicy, maturing in fall; each containing one flattened seed.
Twig:Light reddish brown, lustrous; buds with only 2 visible scales, green and slightly stalked.
Bark:Smooth and gray.
Form:Large shrub to 12 feet tall, arching stems, very dense, rounded form.

leaf fruit form map
